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Showing posts from November, 2019

Science in the News: Seabins

Hello Justice League and Avengers! Today in science, we began to look at science stories that are currently happening in the news. Today we watched two videos on Sea Bins: The response questions you are answering: What science is being integrated into seabins? What are the pros and cons of seabins? Where could this project go in the future? Do you support seabins? The responses to these questions are to be done on Google Docs and shared with me ( by Tuesday, December 3

Homework Log

Hello Parents and Students, Two weeks ago, we began our digital homework log. It's been great to see the progress of students recording what they are doing for homework for each night. This is just a reminder that we are three weeks away from the end of our first season, where prizes will be given away. If you haven't started yet, it's not too late to get your name in the running. Students can access the homework log in their shared folder on Google Docs. Happy studying! Mr. Badr & Mrs. Lockyer

What's Going On?! Essay Writing and All That...

Hi Friends, Most of you worked pretty well with our persuasive essay writing task today - great job!! Reminder, your topic, thesis statement, and three reasons + counterarguments (as per the outline in the Share Folder) are to be completed by Monday, Dec 2.   **If this is not done on time, you will be behind the work I have planned -- to move into body paragraphs and conclusion writing next week. Today was a pretty solid work period, and many of you met with me, to go over tightening up your initial argument -- well done! Tomorrow, we will discuss what makes an effective paragraph and then, you will be given two more in-class work periods (Monday + Tuesday). My goal is to have a 1st draft DONE by Thursday, Dec 5. In other news, homework help for Grade 8s was offered today, and here's a photo of how many people showed up... 😝So, yeah...

Simple Machines and Pythagorean's Theorem

Hello grade 8's, This week in science we began to discuss our new unit, Mechanical Systems. The first topic in this unit is Simple Machines. Simple Machine Notes covered in class can be found by clicking here . The Bill Nye video we watched in class on Simple Machines can be found here . The Bill Nye Fill in the Blank can be found here . This week in math we started to look into Pythagorean's theorem. This began with an investigation of triangles. Taking the square of each side of a triangle, and most importantly finding the relationship between the squares.  This relationship can be summarized as Pythagorean's Theorem. The instructions for this activity can be found here . We will have a short quiz on squares, square roots, line segments and finding the area of a tilted square on Monday, December 2. Mr. Badr

Tasks Due for Weds 11/27 - Humanities

Hi Guys, As I will be away tomorrow, I will be looking for the following items to be IN your red folders when I return on Wednesday: - Meiji Summary (Printed/Photocopied version if handwritten in journals) <-- this was due last Thurs. - Don Cherry Response (same as above) - Written Rationale for Exhibit (Typed/Printed) You also have your Thesis Statement practice sheets which I will be looking at on Weds 11/27 as well. Like I mentioned, Mrs. Pedersen will have Mac Cart D booked for you, so all of the above work should be completely finished. There will be a couple additional in-class tasks, plus possible time outside, so dress warm :) We'll touch base when I am back! -Mrs. Lockyer

Line Segments, Brainbashers and Countdown

Hello parents and students! It was so wonderful to see so many parents and students during the student led conferences. We're looking forward to having band camp students and parents come in next week. One of the big talking points in the math classroom was the Brainbashers and Countdown mental math games that we play on a daily basis. Many parents and students have requested the links for these games. The "Daily 30" are problems that we cover in class, but the main website includes many different math games and puzzles. Brainbashers - Click Here Daily 30 - Click Here Countdown - Click Here  (You might have to allow Flash to run) This week in math we began to discuss line segments, along with squaring and square rooting. A few methods for solving the area of a tilted square can be found in this video . Another good video that was not shown in class can be viewed by clicking here . Line Segment Questions handed out in class can be viewed by clicking here . ...
Hi Guys, Our hallways were left like this at the end of the day... Not cool. Why should the facilities operators be cleaning up after this?! We also found the piece of lead used to create this not-so creative design, on a table, in my classroom... Just wanted to toss it out there and remind folks, that we need to treat our learning environment with respect . We've had a number of incidents this week, including inappropriate use of technology, swearing in the halls, pushing/physically harassing others, and destruction of school property. This is not how Grade 8s ought to behave... You're better than this. Tomorrow's a new day. -Mrs. Lockyer  

Week of Nov 18 - 21

Hi guys, Today you were introduced to 2 new tasks -- both of which have pretty substantial elements of reading and responding. Tasks can be found in each class' corresponding share folder. You were given time to read and make notes today , and by tomorrow , the expectation is that you will wrap up note taking and will move on to writing, and/or recording your voice audio clip. Please see below for due dates: Meiji: Summary - Due Thurs, November 21 (**Band Camp Students Weds, Nov 27) Response: Voice recording OR Written Worldview Investigation: Don Cherry - Due Weds, Nov 27 Response: Written Also, friendly reminder that your Rationales are due on Thurs, Nov 21 for the Exhibit artifact. Thank you to those who handed in their metaphors/similes work. We will be moving into personification, comma practice, and essay writing this week. Come see me if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. Thanks guys! -Mrs. Lockyer #GOLEAFSGO :)

Mix and Flow Unit Test

Hello Grade 8's Just a reminder that we have our Mix and Flow Unit test this upcoming Tuesday, November 19 . You can click here for a unit summary. You can click here for practice questions. Slides on HHPS and WHMIS can be viewed by clicking here . Slides on the Classification of Matter can be viewed by clicking here . Slides on Concentration and Solubility can be viewed by clicking here . Slides on the Particle Model of Matter, Viscosity, Density, Buoyancy, Compressibility and Pressure can be viewed by clicking here . Please don't hesitate to email me ( if you have any questions while studying. We will be reviewing on Monday as well. Happy studying! Mr. Badr

The Slowest Moving Fluid Results and Write Up

Hello grade 8's! Last week in science we created, tested, modified and raced our fluids with the goal of creating the slowest moving fluid!  Congratulations to Max, Charlie, Tarun and Otha for the slowest overall time of 27 minutes and 26 seconds! Parker, Dawson and Adam had the slowest time in 8-1 with 20 minutes and 18 seconds. This week we have been working on writing the lab report. Click here to see the ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION and the MARKING RUBRIC . The report is due on Monday, November 18.

Week of Nov 12 - 15

Hi Friends, As you know, we're moving full steam ahead! Lots going on. Lots due this week. The best way to manage your lives is to make sure you've got dates written down (iCalendars/Agendas, etc), are checking the share folders, and staying in communication with me. You have been given ample class time (some have used it better than others... you know who you are...) so the Friday, November 15 due date is firm across the board. Obviously, circumstances can arise, but I would need some sort of parent communication should you feel unable to hand everything in. What's Due Friday November 15? Checklist: Written Rationale (Japan Exhibit -- refer to criteria) Plaque/Signage (Japan Exhibit) Metaphor + Simile Practice Hockey Hero (refer to criteria)

Update: Friday Nov 8

Hi friends, As you know, Edict responses were due today ! You were meant to have submitted hard copy versions (handwritten/typed) into your corresponding class' drop box (up near SmartBoard). Today was the second opportunity you had to work on your written rationales for the Exhibit artifacts. Remember, EACH STUDENT is required to submit an informative piece of text along with the build, your blueprints, and any other planning documents you may have. I have provided you with some very specific prompts -- please refer your class' Share Folder for this task. You should also be working on your Hockey Hero task, as I will be looking for this to be completed by Weds, Nov 13. Please come chat to me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns :) Happy weekend folks. -Mrs. Lockyer

Week of Nov 4 - 8

Hi Friends! I trust you're all "hopped up" on candy! I know I am... :) Just a few things to note for this coming week: Japan Exhibits >   BOTH classes will have time to build/construct on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please ensure that you have a plan on how you will manage your time and have conferenced with me about what things you need me to support you with.  By the end of the week, we will transition into the written component. This means that our classroom will no longer look like a construction zone (haha) and we will be learning about how to properly "build" an informative piece of text. Friendly reminder that Edict responses will be due at the end of this week (Nov 8). This was an ongoing task, but I'd like to wrap it up. The supplemental documents can be found in your class' Google Share Folder. If you've not yet submitted your Letter to the Shogun , or Urban Legend (Written + Podcast/Audio File) - it's now late. ...