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April 2 - Looking Ahead

Hello everyone! It's been wonderful to see that so many students are logging on to D2L! We've been noticing students looking at the Light and Optics slides and working on their writing prompts, so good work! Tomorrow, we are going to have our first Friday class meeting on Google Meet at 10am . An invite code will be sent to your webmail at 9:55am. It is expected that you attend - barring technical difficulties. This meeting will be a little bit longer than our usual meetings since we are still getting up and running. Two main topics we will cover in this meeting: Tutorial on how to submit assignments from Drive on D2L How to take the Practice Quiz (Tomorrow) and the Science Test (Monday) One question we had yesterday was about what Mrs. Thornborough is going to do with Band . We talked to her today and she said that she would set up a webpage with an optional weekly activity for Band students to do in order to further their learning and skills. This is NOT a cours...
Recent posts

Google Meet April 1: Takeaways

Hi Friends! What an amazing turn out via Google Meet today! And thank you  all f or following the  guidelines re: etiquette so closely! It really made for a respectable, seamless call! Well done! Those of you who were doggin' on my Toronto Maple Leafs... I'm watching you closely 😛 Here’s the basic list of we went over today:   Review for Light and Optics Test Monday, April 6 Review for Sentence Structure Quiz  Monday April 13 **Information regarding these two assessments will be posted on D2L by tomorrow, Thurs April 2. Our main learning platform will be Brightspace by D2L  ( If you have issues, refer to Mrs.  MacNicol’s  tutorial video .) Yes, we will be able to still access our Google Drives through Brightspace by D2L,  as a means of continuing written assignments. We'll show you how to do that over the next few days. Effective Monday, April 6, you will be asked to log into Brightspace by D2L  every day  (...

Tips for Online Calls

Hi Again! In preparation for our online "chat" - and as we begin to get used to this being our new "norm" - I've created a short slideshow (...with my face on every slide ahah!) going through some basic info regarding Google Meet. 😃 Please review prior to logging in, so that you are aware of what to expect. Have a great evening! -Mrs. Lockyer

Update: Tuesday March 31

Hi Friends! Thank you to those who have e-mailed us their responses - we are reading them and are very happy to hear, that for the most part, you are all keeping well. Please, if you need anything, do not hesitate to reach out to either of us. If you have not yet sent in your response to the yesterday's blog post, please do so, as it helps us understand how we can best support you. And, it confirms that we have a communication line with you. At this time, we would like to invite you all to "chat" with us via a Google Meet tomorrow, Wednesday April 1, at 10:30am. We will send the code shortly before the meet-up. Also, here's a quick update on what to expect going forward: On average, you can expect to have   10 hours of work each week. This will be a combination of your core subjects (Math, Scien ce, ELA, and  Social Studies ).    Our plan is to post a "Week at a Glance" every Sunday night in preparation for the upcoming week. The ...

Welcome Back!! A Message from Mr. Badr and Mrs. Lockyer

Welcome bac k Friends!! We miss all your smiling faces  &   are excited to begin TMC ‘at a distance’!    😊 P lease email  your homeroom teachers   by  8:00 am   to morrow ,  Tuesday  March 3 1  with answers  to the following  questions: 8-1 - Mrs. Lockyer:  8-2 - Mr. Badr:  1. How are you doing?     a. How is your family doing?    b. Is there anything that you or your family need assistance with? 2. What type of device (s)  do you  have access to ?   ( computer, laptop, iPad/tablet or smart phone ) 3. Do you have to share t hese  device (s)  with anyone else in your family or is it for your use only?  4. Do you have easy access to the internet ?  ( wifi  or data) 5. Do you have access to a printer ? 6. Do you have access to a scanner, ca...