Hello, Grade 8's! Here is the video of Greta Thunberg speaking at the Climate Action Summit that we watched in class today. A reminder to 8-2 for those who did not finish their responses to the prompts in class, they are for homework to be finished by Monday . The writing prompts you need to respond to are: Where will you be in 8 years when we are 6 months away from the end of our Carbon Budget? What will your world look like? What are your thoughts on the video? Many politicians are challenging her and saying she’s making wild accusations. Do you feel her message is valid? Here are a couple other videos of Greta we think are worth watching: Shared by a student, Greta's message to the public: Greta's TED Talk she gave last year: Also for 8-2, your data table of the Bottle Flipping Challenge, along with a conclusion of your findings (Which amount of water yielded the highest probability of success? 1/4 full, 1/2 full or 3/4 full?) is to ...
Here's where you'll find all the "goings on" with Mr. Badr's and Mrs. Lockyer's Grade 8 Classes! #TeamBadLock 2019/2020