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Showing posts from September, 2019

Greta Thunberg Speaking at the Climate Action Summit

Hello, Grade 8's! Here is the video of Greta Thunberg speaking at the Climate Action Summit that we watched in class today. A reminder to 8-2 for those who did not finish their responses to the prompts in class, they are for homework to be finished by Monday . The writing prompts you need to respond to are: Where will you be in 8 years when we are 6 months away from the end of our Carbon Budget? What will your world look like? What are your thoughts on the video? Many politicians are challenging her and saying she’s making wild accusations. Do you feel her message is valid? Here are a couple other videos of Greta we think are worth watching: Shared by a student, Greta's message to the public: Greta's TED Talk she gave last year: Also for 8-2, your data table of the Bottle Flipping Challenge, along with a conclusion of your findings (Which amount of water yielded the highest probability of success? 1/4 full, 1/2 full or 3/4 full?) is to ...

Week of Sept 23-27

We are rolling this week friends!! Thanks again for your focus throughout the last few classes. We've had a number of conversations about what it means to submit quality work and how we should be putting our BEST effort forward. We need to make sure we're adding detail, backing up our statements, and expanding our ideas. We're also taking a few steps at revisiting some basics: how to properly write a paragraph, how to respond in complete sentences... and, we're being mindful of capitalization, grammar and punctuation rules! By now you will have all been given access to your class' share folder. Be sure to check in on a weekly basis and review any notes and/or refresh yourselves on what's been covered. Some of the things we've got on the go currently, include: 1. The Landlady (Roald Dahl) Analysis Questions -- Typed, Font (nothing "cute" please), Sz 12     DUE: Monday, September 30 2. Urban Legend Short Story Planning -- Either in you...

What should I do for math practice? IXL

Hello everyone, It was great to meet so many parents at our Meet The Teacher conferences last week! One thing that was brought up during several conferences was what to do for math practice at home. It is expected that if you do not have any math assignments to work on, you are still practising math every day. Here are some things you can do to keep your skills fresh: Flashcards Flashcards can be found at the dollar store. Flashcards should be multiplication and division up to 12x12 Practice with a friend or family member. This is going to help you get quicker at Brain Bashers! IXL Follow this link: You can complete about 10 practice questions per day for free. The categories of questions that relate to our current unit are Two-Dimensional Figures (P), Three-Dimensional Figures (T) and Geometric Measurement (U) Bonus work assigned by Mr. Badr Sometimes extra worksheets, problems or puzzles will be available in class. Ask to f...

Link to Worldview Task

Hi friends! Well, a current event has dropped right into our laps! Let's get the conversation started! Please click on the link below and answer anonymously. You may need to sign out of all your Google accounts so that you are in fact anonymous -- but I'd love to read your thoughts and opinions. We will take this up on Monday and continue our work with Worldview Investigation. "Living" Doc: 

Week of Sept 16-20

Hi Friends! We are now in Week 3 and things are moving along. Thanks again for a great start! Some of our major "goings on" for this week are: Lockyer Times -- Geography of Japan DUE Weds Sept 18 Intro to Urban Legend Writing -- Ongoing The Landlady (Roald Dahl) Short Story Analysis -- Ongoing Please come and see me if you have any questions or concerns! Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences this coming Thursday (EARLY DISMISSAL) and Friday (NO SCHOOL). Have a fantastic week! Link to Intro to Japan + slides on our MVPs:

How to Create Suspense!

As we begin our work with Short Stories, we are going to start off with some creative writing activities! Lets consider what elements help in making writing suspenseful:

Week of September 9-13

Hi Folks!  Thanks for a great start to the 2019/2020 school year!  As you know, Mr. Badr and I are both new to the TMC community, and as such, are still waiting to be connected to all of the sites... unfortunately, we have not yet acquired access to the School Messenger system and PowerSchool. Once that is all up, we will let you know and things will be a lot smoother. Fingers crossed it all happens early next week! As of now, we've delved into our study of Worldview, taken a trip to Japan, and are in the midst of learning about why a country would want to isolate itself. By the end of the week, we will have starting talking about what makes a "scary" story (more-so suspense filled) and begin our work with Urban Legends. Don't forget -- Thursday, Sept 12 we will be in Kananaskis taking part in our G8 "Summit"! Dress for the weather, come with extra snacks, and be prepared to have a ton of fun! Thanks friends! This year is going to be a great one!  ...