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Showing posts from January, 2020

Humanities: Week of Jan 27

Hi Friends, It's been a busy few days! Good job to most of you for staying on task and getting your work done this week. We certainly explored some heavy topics in our Worldview Investigation, and you all were quite reflective in your responses. Well done! Friendly reminder, book study summaries were meant to be handed in on Weds (01/29). Thank you for those who adhered to the deadline. As a class, we agreed to reschedule our Gallery Walk to Monday (02/03), so we will do that first thing, when class begins. Dates to be mindful of: - Lit Circle Prompt (short paragraph) DUE: Monday Feb 3 - Italian States Inquiry Part 1 DUE: Tuesday Feb 4 All resources can be accessed via your Google Share Folders Have a great long weekend! -Mrs. Lockyer

Science in the News #3 - Bushfires

Good morning Grade 8's! Instructions for your next Science In The News assignment on the Australian bushfires can be found by CLICKING HERE . Mr. Badr

Mechanical Systems Unit Test

Hello Grade 8's! It's that time of year where the unit is coming to a close. We will be having a Kahoot! Quiz on Thursday, January 23 on the science topics covered since the winter break. This includes gears, mechanical advantage, speed ratio, work and efficiency. As mentioned in class, this upcoming Monday, January 27 we will be having our Mechanical Systems Unit Test . In addition to the content from the Kahoot! Quiz, this will cover simple machines and complex machines. The test will also cover the content on evaluating machines which we will cover at the end of the week. To help you study you can: Review your notes from class. Review the slides from class. - CLICK HERE Review the unit summary. - CLICK HERE Go through and answer unit review questions. - CLICK HERE Happy studying! Mr. Badr

Humanities: Week of Jan 13-17

Hi Folks! Today was mostly productive (for the majority of you...) as we practiced formulating responses for Jan 20th's assessment, caught up on reading, and worked on book studies.  Some of us, have started off 2020 with a "laissez-faire" type of attitude -- yes, you heard me -- and it is my suggestion that we get that out of our systems quick... There's lots on the go! As a reminder, you are always being assessed individually - regardless of whether you collaborate in pairs/groups... Projects where people get the same mark are not the "style" in Grade 8, and it doesn't demonstrate what a single student actually, be sure to make solid decisions when it comes to using class time effectively, and be wise for what you need to do for yourself and your own learning. Reminder:  - Your Humanities journals were meant to have been handed in yesterday, but since I was not in the building, I extended it to today at the end of class... 8-1: 1...

Welcome Back!

Hi Friends! Welcome back!! So happy to see all of your faces today! Like I mentioned, it's going to be a busy month! So, we want to make sure that we're focused during lessons, and also, staying on task when time is given in class to complete a task. Today, both 8-1 and 8-2 were introduced to a few major ideas which led to the Renaissance movement. We chatted about the "glory days" of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages, and began to understand what humanism is. We also started in on our New Year's Writing Menu (NYWM), as well as chatted briefly about some of the expectations surrounding the Alternative Novel Study (aka: Book Report). Important dates are as follows: Thursday Jan 9 - Novel chosen! (you have time in Learning Commons Weds 01/08 to look) Monday Jan 13  - 5 topics from NYWM (in your Hum Journals) **this is modified slightly from what was discussed today. I'm giving you extra time and 1 additional task to complete on the Menu.