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Update from Mr. Badr and Mrs. Lockyer

Hi Friends!!

Well, it's certainly been an interesting few days...

Glad we cleaned out our lockers on Friday, eh? 😃

Anyhow, since Spring Break does not officially start until Thursday @ 12:30pm for all of you, we need to continue working together and supporting one another, as we remain on task.

We were NOT planning on starting any new content this week anyways, as you know, but, we do need to wrap things up before going on break.

Please see below for discipline based information:


Essay 1st Draft: 
Due last Friday, March 13. However, there are a number of you who have NOT handed in a hard copy. Please send a digital version or, share via Google Drive ( ASAP, as it currently reflects as "late"/"incomplete" in PowerSchool.
- Others of you, requested extensions. Please ensure you have shared your essays with me via Google Drive as by this evening, or it will be coded as "late".

Influential Figures:
- Since we can no longer work on our physical representations, I would like for everyone to transfer their information (5Ws) into some sort of digital format.
- This can include, Google Slides, Infographic, Comic Strip...etc
- Due Date: Weds, March 18
- Share with me via Google Drive (


Light and Optics Unit Test:
***This test is postponed until further notice

Vision Impairment Presentations:
These will continue as planned. 
- Your digital presentations should be finished and shared with me by 3:10 tomorrow. 
- If you created a slide show please make sure you fill in the Speaker Notes with everything that you have prepared for the presentation. 
- If you were planning on presenting with a different medium, please make sure the script of what you were planning to say is shared with me.

- Additionally, you must include a personal reflection to this assignment by Wednesday at 3:10. The reflection must address the following questions:

  • What was your most valuable contribution to this project?
  • What valuable contributions did each of your group members make?
  • What was a highlight in your learning for this task?
  • What part of this task could you have improved upon?

Sheep Eye Dissection

- A video of the eye dissection will be posted this week. 
- I would love the opportunity for you to do the dissection yourself, but it will all depend on when/if students return to school, which we just don't know the timing of yet.

Fraction Division:
- Last week we started taking a look at dividing by fractions on a number line.
- To see a shortcut on how to divide by fractions, watch this video:
- Practice problems will be posted later this week.


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