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Showing posts from March, 2020

Tips for Online Calls

Hi Again! In preparation for our online "chat" - and as we begin to get used to this being our new "norm" - I've created a short slideshow (...with my face on every slide ahah!) going through some basic info regarding Google Meet. 😃 Please review prior to logging in, so that you are aware of what to expect. Have a great evening! -Mrs. Lockyer

Update: Tuesday March 31

Hi Friends! Thank you to those who have e-mailed us their responses - we are reading them and are very happy to hear, that for the most part, you are all keeping well. Please, if you need anything, do not hesitate to reach out to either of us. If you have not yet sent in your response to the yesterday's blog post, please do so, as it helps us understand how we can best support you. And, it confirms that we have a communication line with you. At this time, we would like to invite you all to "chat" with us via a Google Meet tomorrow, Wednesday April 1, at 10:30am. We will send the code shortly before the meet-up. Also, here's a quick update on what to expect going forward: On average, you can expect to have   10 hours of work each week. This will be a combination of your core subjects (Math, Scien ce, ELA, and  Social Studies ).    Our plan is to post a "Week at a Glance" every Sunday night in preparation for the upcoming week. The ...

Welcome Back!! A Message from Mr. Badr and Mrs. Lockyer

Welcome bac k Friends!! We miss all your smiling faces  &   are excited to begin TMC ‘at a distance’!    😊 P lease email  your homeroom teachers   by  8:00 am   to morrow ,  Tuesday  March 3 1  with answers  to the following  questions: 8-1 - Mrs. Lockyer:  8-2 - Mr. Badr:  1. How are you doing?     a. How is your family doing?    b. Is there anything that you or your family need assistance with? 2. What type of device (s)  do you  have access to ?   ( computer, laptop, iPad/tablet or smart phone ) 3. Do you have to share t hese  device (s)  with anyone else in your family or is it for your use only?  4. Do you have easy access to the internet ?  ( wifi  or data) 5. Do you have access to a printer ? 6. Do you have access to a scanner, ca...

A Final Message Before The Break

Hello 8's! We both just wanted to send out a final message. Since next week is spring break, we won't be receiving or replying to messages until Sunday, March 29. We have all been working hard over the past few months, so we encourage you to step away and relax. As we mentioned in our post from Monday, this past week was still a school week - albeit from home - but you are now officially on spring break. Powerschool has been updated with this week's assignments that were collected. If anything is reflecting as "missing" or "incomplete," that means that we have not received it. This could be a technical issue, but we encourage you to double check (You all know about Mr. Badr's frustration with some vanishing google doc shares) We know there is a lot of uncertainty about what is going to happen after the break. We can't answer your questions regarding that. Please keep an eye on your emails from the CBE and/or TMC School for messages on any u...

Eye Dissection Video

Hello Grade 8's! I'm really sorry we didn't get to do our eye dissection this week. I know that a lot of you were looking forward to it. In the meantime, I wanted to share this video of a dissection of a cow's eye. The video goes through all of the same parts of a dissection that we would have in class. The only difference, however, is that we of course would be wearing much more protective safety gear in our classroom (gloves, aprons, goggles). CLICK HERE Mr. Badr

Fraction Division Problems

Hello grade 8's, Here are a couple links to loads of practice problems (with solutions) for fraction division as well as the PDF link of the entire fractions chapter from the textbook. My expectation for this week is that you will work through at least two of these worksheets on your own and confirm your answers yourself. Textbook resources are in the share folder. FRACTION DIVISION PRACTICE PROBLEMS Mr. Badr

Update from Mr. Badr and Mrs. Lockyer

Hi Friends!! Well, it's certainly been an interesting few days... Glad we cleaned out our lockers on Friday, eh? 😃 Anyhow, since Spring Break does not officially start until Thursday @ 12:30pm for all of you, we need to continue working together and supporting one another, as we remain on task. We were NOT planning on starting any new content this week anyways, as you know, but, we do need to wrap things up before going on break. Please see below for discipline based information: Humanities: Essay 1st Draft:  -  Due last Friday, March 13. However, there are a number of you who have NOT handed in a hard copy. Please send a digital version or, share via Google Drive ( ASAP, as it currently reflects as "late"/"incomplete" in PowerSchool. - Others of you, requested extensions. Please ensure you have shared your essays with me via Google Drive as by this evening , or it will be coded as "late". Influential Figures: ...

Light and Optics Unit Review

March 15 Update: Since the Alberta government has cancelled all classes for the following week, you will of course not be writing the science tomorrow. You will still be writing it at some point in some form, possibly when all students return to class or as a take-home test. Please check the blog and your emails for updates for when that decision is made. ------------------------------------------- Hello grade 8's! Pi day was definitely eventful today and we may have seen the start of the Badr vs. Lockyer war... Payback will be on its way. I know there are concerns about COVID-19, but it stands right now that we will still be writing the science test on Monday (as we've been talking about for weeks). Be prepared. I know all of your team sports have been cancelled so that should provide ample more studying time. To prepare you should review: Your Notes from Class Slides from Class   Light and Optics - Unit Summary Light and Optics - Unit Review Questions Stay c...

Humanities: Recap + Pi Day

Hi Friends! Good work today! Most of you are progressing nicely and wrapping up those essays! You're also well underway with the Influential Figure representations. Well done. Most of us made it out of class safely without any glue gun burns... ;) To recap, today we went over how to properly embed quotations into our writing.  Remember, we are aiming for fluidity in our writing and don't want to see anything "floating" where it shouldn't be. Focus on those transition words and remember the sandwich - claim, quote, explanation. *Please reference the slides from the lesson (posted in each class' Google Share folder) as an anchor/resource. Also, Pi Day is on Friday. Yum. Let's try and be environmentally conscious and remember to bring in a reusable (camping, plastic...) plate and fork. You can wash everything up at the sink afterwards, but we'd really like to eliminate the amount of waste, which is why we're asking. Thats all for now! The ...

Vision Impairment Presentations

Hello Grade 8's! We have a busy week with science as we lead up to Spring Break! HERE is the vision impairment research task that we started on today. HERE is the rubric that you will be marked on. Use both of these as a guide as you work on making effective and engaging presentations. Mr. Badr

Humanities Essay: Check-In

Hi Friends! At this point, a first draft of your essay should be well underway. You have been given a substantial amount of time, in class, to work on your intro, thesis, three examples/finding evidence, and body paragraphs.  You've also been offered conferencing/assistance, from me, on multiple occasions, so if you are trailing behind, then you will need to work on your writing over the weekend. Remember, your overarching questions are: 1. H o w does the author portray the values and beliefs within a society? AND 2. What similarities and differences might there be between the worldview you have and what is depicted?   If the answers to those questions are not explicitly apparent in your work, then you are not fulfilling a major part of the requirements. On Monday 03/09, Mrs. Pedersen will review conclusions with you, and then you'll have a chance (on the laptops) to finalize things. This will be your last in-class session before our deadline. As ...

Pi Day - Parent Message

Hi Friends!  I've attempted to send out a Messenger to your families this evening, but the system is having issues and has cut off my text BOTH times... aargh. Please let your parents know that we'll be having a Pi Day celebration on March 13 and show them this blurb: Dear Parents and Guardians,     On Friday, March 13 our Gr.8 classes will be celebrating Pi Day!      Typically, the event is held on March 14 (3.14...) but because this year it falls on a weekend, we are going to acknowledge it on the Friday.    Students will participate in a variety of mathematical activities, take part in a lightning round recitation of Pi, and hopefully, eat some actual pie at the end of the day ðŸ™‚     We are wondering if anyone would be willing to donate a pie to their child's homeroom, as we would be looking for about 8 full-sized pies per class.     Please l...